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We are officially launching our regular mosaic workshop classes by May. This 3-day course aims to let those who are new to the art and especially children to grasp an understanding of the art while appreciating its applications in learning, arts, life and future.

English/Cantonese instructed for age groups of below 6 (with parental guidance) and those who are above 6.

Our one-time trial classes will still be available on Saturdays for CAD $39.99 (+HST)

Workshop Details

Class Name:

Total number of students per class:




Mosaic - Advanced Class

6 per class (For age group 6 and under, parents/guardians are included)

3 hours per class

Monday to Thursday, Saturday






CAD 69.99 + HST

Included materials, tool and stationery (mosaics, wood board, glue, paint brush, tweezer, etc.)

Membership available to enjoy discount towards joining course or purchasing products.

Class Name:

Total number of students per class:




Mosaic - Trial Class

6 per class (For age group 6 and under, parents/guardians are included)

1.5 hour per class

Monday to Wednesday








Thursday & Saturday




CAD 39.99 + HST 

Included materials, tool and stationery (mosaics, wood board, glue, paint brush, tweezer, etc.)

Mosaic Art Workshop Rules

  • All bookings are only confirmed after payment is accepted.

  • No refund on all transactions. 

  • Each student is permitted for one excused absence which can be rescheduled for a makeup class at a later date arranged by the workshop. All excused absence requires at least 24 hours of prior notice reporting directly to the instructor. Once a makeup class has been arranged it will not be further rescheduled regardless of any reason. Tuition credit and refunds will not be offered for missed classes or poor attendance due to reasons by the students' side.

  • Tile Depot & Mosaicist will not be responsible for any personal injuries obtained during class or on premise. Parents have the responsibility to advise their children to avoid contact with other non-workshop materials within the premise.

  • Our workshop welcomes all families to get involved in our classes. However due to the capacity limitation of the in-person space and in compliance of COVID regulations, we can only accept maximum 1 parent to accompany 1 child per class.

  • For children 7 and above, they are welcomed to participate unaccompanied as parents' on-site presence is not required.

  • We are taking all necessary safety precautions to ensure that our workshop is safe for students and staff. Our tables and chairs are sanitized before and after classes. Participating parent must be fully vaccinated to enter the premise and kids are highly recommended to be vaccinated as well. Anyone entering the workshop area is required to go through a temperature screening. Masks are mandatory at all times. inside the workshop. We retain the right to reject anyone who displays COVID symptoms, traveled or has been in contact with anyone who tested positive in the past 2 weeks, not wearing masks properly and not respecting the results of social distancing. For more information, please check on the latest City of Toronto or York Region COVID-19 updates.



Mosaic Art Workshop trial class 



  1. Price: Regular fee of CAN29.99+HST (All materials included) 為慶祝本工作坊之成立,現正提供加幣$29.99一小時完成之體驗課程,包含所有工具、物料及導師。

  2. Aim: To let those especially children to get to know what mosaic is about and it’s applications in learning, arts, life and future. 課程目標為推廣「馬賽克藝術」概念及其生活上之各種應用,尤其加強訓練小朋友學習貫注力、耐性與創造力。

  3. Instructors: Maggie, Rachel and other instructors are  very talented and well trained. They will demonstrate briefly how to start a piece of art and what need to be careful during the process of creation. Maggie Tse 及 Rachel Cheng 等導師曾接受專業訓練及對馬賽克藝術充滿天份與熱誠;她們將講解及小心示範一些簡單制作,讓小朋友學習。

  4. Participants will have a chance to make a simple piece of art under the instructors’ supervision and create something by themselves. They can bring home their masterpiece. 小朋友將可完成一件他們自己的創作(如未能完成,工作坊將會提供足夠材料讓他們回家繼續)

  5. Souvenirs: After the class, if children/parents are willing to like our Facebook page and  share their experiences to at least two social media, we will have one free Polaroid picture for their memories. 如果小朋友答應在兩個或以上之社交平台分享其作品及點讚本工作坊網頁,將獲贈價值加幣$1.50 之寶麗萊即影即有照片乙張,以茲紀念。

  6. Membership: Those who have joined any class of the workshop will automatically become our members. We will update our news and art classes in the future. 凡參加任何本工作坊朋友將自動成為會員,將獲得我們最新消息及課程提升詳情。

  7. Discount: All members will enjoy a special discount on any upgraded classes and material purchases. 會員將享有所有本工作坊任何課程、活動及材料購買之九折優惠。

  8. Age groups: Children below 6 years old need to be accompanied by parents or adult guardians. Any participants over 6 are welcomed. 六歲以下小朋友必須有成年家長或監護人陪同,歡迎所有六歲以上人仕,包括長者。


**Note: We now offer ONLY glass mosaic which is safe for children. Instruments can only be used under the supervision of instructors. 請參與者注意,本工作坊原意專為兒童設計,暫時只提供安全性較高之玻璃馬賽克材料,在特殊情況下需要動用工具,導師將在旁協助。


**Necessary precautions to prevent COVID should be observed. 安全考慮,務請參加者遵從如人數限制等本省防疫條例。

**Masks are required until further notice. We will provide if needed. 為大家著想,參與者必須戴上口罩,忘記攜帶者可向導師索取。

**Temperature shooter is offered if participants ask for it. 本工作坊可按參與者要求,借用體溫監測器。


Thank you for your attention. 敬希垂注🙏🙏


Tile Depot & Mosaicist 

May, 2022

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